Spiritual Healing Arts
Isn't it about time to learn more about healing ... for self and others?

John is writing materials for new books about Healing, Spiritual Healing for your Soul, Soul Healing and the Great Elixir; Love!

These projects may take a few years,  but the first book in this series, an overview of Healing Techniques, should be ready in 2012.

For a fee, you may buy a printed copy (on paper) of this book directly from the author.  It is currently approaching 100 pages in length, but will likely grow larger over time.

Click on THIS LINK to learn more.

John says, "Over recent years, since abandoning the use of invasive physical soft tissue manipulation and becoming more of an Energy and Quantum Healer, many people have asked me ...What is Spiritual Healing? "


So, as the Spiritual Healer that I am, I am now "Writing the Book" on Spiritual Healing, and the use of the properties of the body, mind, emotions, soul and spirit to move the universal energies that are meant to create and keep our lives and bodies healthy!


This webpage presents samplings (changing over time) of a booklet that is being written by Rev. John M. Kohlenberger, HHP (Holistic Health Practitioner), focusing on some relative new (yet ancient) methods for Auric Healing and Soul Healing.


If you have read his biography, on preceding pages of this website or read a copy of this booklet, you will understand the basis and background from which he brings this material forward ... from the mental and spiritual realms that he is in contact with.  John is a born healer and has been practicing, on and off, all of his life.  However, he does not believe himself to be "the spiritual healer", but instead, he believes that it is the divine creative energies (God-Goddess) that flow in, through and around us all, that create the miracle and magic of healing. Though we humans like exotic sounding buzz wortds, such as "Spiritual Healer", "Auric Healing" and, Soul Healing", in truth, "Love is the Great Elixir".


Though this booklet is somewhat general in its treatment of many types of healing, it deals more specifically with several forms of complimentary healing and in particular spiritual healing, while featuring, as implied by the title, "Soul Healing". For those not in attunement with that aspect of life, this booklet also spends some time dealing with the Energetic, Mind and Auric Healing aspects of holistic healing and health.