Spiritual Healing Arts

CONTACT is the most beneficial and yet feared event in life ...

as the world presents each of us with a view of our reflection.


Are you in emotional or physical pain?


If so, you may want to contact this Mystical Minister whose special gift is Spiritual Healing.  As a Spiritual Healer and a Mystical Minister, Rev. John often opens the divine energy contact that allows the healing flows that bring pain relief in your heart, head and/or physical being. 


Thus, Reverend John offers pain relief for the soul, which is where your being and beingness originates.  When one's soul is dis-eased, or not at ease, it is only a matter of time before that dis-ease appears in the feelings, the thinking or in ones physical being.  Given sufficient time, dis-ease may develop into disease, divorce or even death. 


So, without drugs or surgery, Reverend John uses inspiration and other methods based on the divine universal forces for healing and restoring your soul, emotional being, mind and well being of the body.


Are you wondering about Shamans, Medicine Men/Women, Spiritual Healers or Spiritual Healing?  Might I remind you, as the son of an MD and an RN, that healing is an ancient Art that only recently has become supported by Science!


 "There is a Shaman in every healer." - according to Dr. Coucher (?), as interviewed by Larry Mantel of Radio station KPCC, broadcast on 26 December 2010.  Thus all healing is Inspirational!

Joy and Laughter are Master Healers!
Just being in their presence helps anybody feel better!

Contact Us

The following are the quick ways to contact John ...


Quickest email: SpiritConnections3@msn.com

AZ Land line Telephone: (928) 776-1686

Web-mail: John@SpiritualHealingArts.net  or Martine@SpiritualHealingArts.net


CA Cell Phone:      (949) 246-2524  (will change by 1 Sept 2011)


Aditional information is given below.

 Please scroll down if you wish to fill out our Contact Form!

Contact has been called the greatest adventure in all the universes!  Here, on earth, we may come in contact with the energies of the earth, its people, the weather, oceans or internal energies as they spew forth.  Some of us look deep into the quantum dimensions, while some look outward to the stars and beyond, to contact and become aware of the grandeur that we call LIFE. 


We are a part of and never apart from all this creation.  Thus, as a Mystical Minister, Reverend John stays in contact with all these energy sources and uses All-That-Is as his elixir when he is a Spiritual Healer.  This often brings pain relief to the one he is working with; either immediate or soon after a session.


As human beings, our greatest challenge may be "contact with other human beings" - who may look, think or sound different than us, but as we get to know them, we may find that deep inside are just like ourselves.  It is in this context that our Spiritual Healing Arts seek to give, receive and promote love, the energy that John believes made all that is, was and ever shall be; the love that is a part of Who and What We Really Are.


Love is the source of all science, arts, music, writing, beauty, healing and truths.  And it is only through CONTACT that we may share and find the love that we all seek.

How Else may we be Contacted?

Write to:

Spiritual Healing Arts
c/o John Kohlenberger

7162 E. Barefoot Lane
Prescott valley , AZ , 86314
Email comments to: comment@SpiritualHealingArts.net


Cell Phone: 1-928-xxx-yyyy  (New by September 2011)


Spiritual Healing Arts
7162 E. Barefoot Lane
Prescott valley , AZ , 86314
Phone: 928-776-1686
Email:  Info@SpiritualHealingArts.net
7162 E. Barefoot Lane
Prescott valley , AZ , 86314
Phone: 928-776-1686
Email: spiritconnections3@msn.com
Spiritual Healing Arts
7162 E. Barefoot Lane
Prescott valley , AZ , 86314
Phone: 928-776-1686
Email: spiritconnections3@msn.com